Terms of Service

We await you at Nueme.com, the online game site that brings together all game enthusiasts. We have some rules that apply to all users to keep the game fun and fair. When you play on our platform, you will be subject to these rules and conditions. We reserve the right to change and modify these policies at any time. It is the responsibility of all users to stay informed of changes and updates.

Personal Information: The information you provide during registration must be accurate and up-to-date. Users are responsible for the content of their account and related information. We prohibit the selling or buying of account details and credentials as it is strictly prohibited.

Manners: All players must respect other players. Hate speech, language or discrimination will not be tolerated on our platform. Ask and guide users in a respectful and constructive manner. Please do not communicate about theft, cheating or unfair competition.

Disclaimer: Content published by users is the responsibility of the user and must not conflict with any law, guideline or intellectual property right. If you find inappropriate content, please report it to our team.

Fair and safe play: We encourage users to play well and fairly. Any illegal practices or use of third-party tools to hack game mechanics are strictly prohibited. If users see a player using the wrong method, they can report it to our team.

Data security and privacy: Users must protect their personal data and respect the privacy of other players. We have developed a strict privacy policy and we recommend that you read it carefully. If you find any security issues or vulnerabilities, you can inform our support team.

Customer Service: If you have any questions, you can contact our support team and report the issue to them. They will help you solve your problems promptly and professionally.

Updates on the platform: We may change the policy and update it regularly. Notify users about updates and changes. We appreciate the concerts and user's ideas.

Account Termination: We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your account if you violate these guidelines or rules. Users are responsible for violations and can direct their questions about the operation of the account to the support team.

Compliance: Any violations of our platform will be reported to the authorities. Users must comply with all local, national or international laws.